St Paul's CBS Secondary School - The Brunner

Construction Studies and Wood Technology

Construction Studies and Wood Technology
Construction Studies
Students have the opportunity topick and study Construction studies as part of their leaving cert programme. Construction Studies is a direct follow on from Junior cycle Wood Technology and builds on the skills mastered throughout that period. Construction Studies looks at the design and building of homes within a practical and dynamic classroom setting. The subject allows students to gain knowledge and a skill set such as design, cognitive problem solving and use them in a practical manner through the completion of project work. Students will look at our building stock through the lens of environmental impact and consider the role our build environment plays in our everyday life.
Students have access to multi-disciplinary tools and machines throughout their programme. Done in a smaller than average class size, students will have the opportunity to display their skill set in a variety of mediums such as theoretical, design and practical woodworking thus allowing all students to succeed regardless of their abilities.
Wood Technology
Wood technology is a three-year programme that can be completed as part of the junior cycle. Each student will have the opportunity to sample this subject to assess their own personal suitability before committing to complete the programme. Wood Technology offers students the opportunity to learn through design led tasks that builds cognitive problem solving, fine motor skills and promotes enjoyment of learning. Students will also study our natural world and analyse the materials and tools we use to create our projects. The culmination of this skill development is displayed in the third year of the programme as students get the opportunity to show off their skills as they complete a final project. This project is individual to each student and allows for the creativity and skills to be displayed in manner that best shows the learning developed in the years previously.
Students will get to learn in a classroom full of all the best equipment and machines. Smaller than average class size also allows for more teacher student interaction and creates a positive learning environment where students flourish in their creativity.
Construction Studies and Wood TechnologyConstruction Studies and Wood TechnologyConstruction Studies and Wood TechnologyConstruction Studies and Wood TechnologyConstruction Studies and Wood Technology
Jan 24
School Closed - JCT
Jan 31
School Closed
Feb 03
School Closed - Bank Holiday
Feb 10
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St Paul's CBS Secondary School - The Brunner
North Brunswick St, Dublin 7, D07 VF57
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