St Paul's CBS Secondary School - The Brunner

Business Studies

Junior Cycle Business Studies

Business studies encourages students to develop an appreciation of how their lives are shaped by economic and social factors. They are enabled to make informed decisions, to better manage their personal financial resources and to be adaptable, creative, and enterprising. Business studies also improves their knowledge and understanding of good business practice and of business as a productive activity.

The curriculum focuses on improving students' understanding of the business environment and on developing skills for life, work and further study through the three inter-connected strands: Personal Finance, Enterprise and Our Economy.

Business studies encourages students to develop skills for learning, skills for work and skills for life. It supports the development of analytical and critical thinking skills, encouraging students to be problem solvers.

Leaving Certificate Business

Leaving Certificate business creates an awareness of the importance of business activity and develops a positive and ethical attitude towards enterprise.

Learning experiences in business develop students’ critical thinking, creative and organizational skills while enhancing literacy and numeracy skills using real-life examples. Business provides students with a learning foundation for a wide range of careers in business, marketing, law, enterprise and management.

Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
Feb 25
TY Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 03
TY Work Experience
Mar 17
School Closed - Bank Holiday
St Paul's CBS Secondary School - The Brunner
North Brunswick St, Dublin 7, D07 VF57
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